Preparing the alcohol consumption in 2016 for plotting.
I downloaded Alcohol consumption data from Our World in Data. I selected this data because I am interested in alcohol consumption of men compared to women.
This is the link to the data.
to see the names and types of the columns.glimpse(males_vs_females_who_drank_alcohol_in_last_year)
Rows: 55,705
Columns: 7
$ Entity <chr> …
$ Code <chr> …
$ Year <dbl> …
$ `Indicator:Alcohol, consumers past 12 months (%) - Sex:Male` <dbl> …
$ `Indicator:Alcohol, consumers past 12 months (%) - Sex:Female` <dbl> …
$ `Population (historical estimates)` <dbl> …
$ Continent <chr> …
# view(males_vs_females_who_drank_alcohol_in_last_year)
(and View) to prepare the data for analysisCreate the object countries
that is a list of countries I want to extract
Change the name of the 4th column to Countries and the 5th column to Gender
Use filter to extract the rows that I want to keep: Male, Female and Countries
Select the columns to keep: Male, Female, Countries
Assign the output to country_alcohol_consumption
Display the five rows of data
countries <- c("China",
"United States",
country_alcohol_consumption <-
males_vs_females_who_drank_alcohol_in_last_year %>%
rename(Country = 1, Male = 4, Female = 5) %>%
filter(Year == 2016, Country %in% countries) %>%
select(Country, Male, Female)
# A tibble: 5 × 3
Country Male Female
<chr> <dbl> <dbl>
1 China 68.6 42.6
2 India 51.4 25.4
3 Italy 81.2 54.4
4 Spain 80.9 57
5 United States 83 60.7
Check that the total for 2016 equals the total in the graph
Write the data to file in the project directory
write_csv(country_alcohol_consumption, file="country_alcohol_consumption.csv")